July 26, 2010
Tomorrow - A Short Story
July 24, 2010
You're Going To Think I'm Dumb
Not today. Today's writing session includes the scene where my Hero and Heroine are going to be separated. I know exactly how it will happen, I know who is going to say what and where everybody will be positioned when the decision is made.
I don't want to write it.
Just thinking about it makes me sad, even though I know when they will be reunited and where. I still don't want to write it. At the moment, I'm too far into my character's heads. So now I'm in a bad mood and on the verge of tears. I'm taking little break to clear my head and get my mind back in control.
So to all you writers out there that have to go through this with every character you create, with every novel you write, with every imaginary friend you have to kill off: I no longer think you're being silly.
July 23, 2010
Slice and Dice
July 21, 2010
Are You Kidding Me? Oh Yeah, And An Update.
Query Red Flags
1. Write the synopsis for All or Nothing.
2. Finish the piece for The Short Short Story Writing Competition.
3. Write 1,000 words a day for My Demon of Life.
And how am I doing this week may you ask? Well...I THOUGHT about writing the synopsis today. I TRIED TO THINK of a way my short story was going to end, and I HAVE BEEN writing at least 1,000 words a day for the new book. What is that? One out of three? The week isn't over, people!
July 18, 2010
Fallen by Lauren Kate
There’s something achingly familiar about Daniel Grigori.
Mysterious and aloof, he captures Luce Price’s attention from the moment she sees him on her first day at the Sword & Cross boarding school in sultry Savannah, Georgia. He’s the one bright spot in a place where cell phones are forbidden, the other students are all screw-ups, and security cameras watch every move.
Even though Daniel wants nothing to do with Luce–and goes out of his way to make that very clear–she can’t let it go. Drawn to him like a moth to a flame, she has to find out what Daniel is so desperate to keep secret . . . even if it kills her
July 17, 2010
Plotopaluza at RWA!
A = Ordinary World
B = Call to adventure, some issue presented
C = Bad things happening
D = Cross the threshold, answer to call to adventure
E = Gathering friends and allies
F = Point of no return, must go on
G = Things fall apart
H = Crisis, black moment is emotional, a sacrifice
I = Resolution, hero and heroine together, they’ve accommodated changes to their lives.
J = Happy ever after
GMC – Goal, motivation and conflict (book, Debra Dixon)
Protagonist has internal goal (emotionally) and an external goal.
Motivation, internal (what does it represent to you) and external.
Conflict, villain or antagonist also has a goal and motivation. Mutually exclusive between antagonist and protagonist.
Internal and external have to connect, proves an emotional lesson (something keeping them from love, internal = trust). Tells how hero and heroine learn their lessons to emotional growth.
Questions to ask when plotting for hero/heroine:
What does the Hero/Heroine want?
What will happen if he gets it?
External goal?
Internal goal?
What is the internal and external conflict of Hero/Heroine?
July 11, 2010
I 'll also be entering into the Short Short Story Writing Contest. I haven't written the piece yet, but already have an idea I want to use.
Also, check out the new addition on the "for writers" page. Building Your Platform from the Kill Zone Author Blog.
Happy Writing,
July 10, 2010
Another Friend
How I found it: On Writer's Digest. Anne Gallager featured an article on writer's digest called The Five Stages of Querying. Of course, I read it cause that's kind of where I am at the moment. I don't have any new queries out in the world right now because both finished MSS are in the process of getting critiqued, but by the end of the summer (hopefully) I'll be back in the boat. The article is kind of funny, considering I remember the exact moment I went though all five stages with All Falls Down, then named All That I'm Living For. Read it.
The blog: Anne Gallager is an ASPIRING AUTHOR! Just like me :) She has a very optimistic view when it comes to writing and I envy her for it. Writing is hard some days and easy the others, but she keeps her amazing attitude throughout the blog. If you're new to the business, like me, check out her blog here. I'll be adding it to my "for writers" page. Plus you won't believe how many manuscripts she's working on.
July 7, 2010
Demon Angel by Meljean Brook
I read this book for my own paranormal romance research, and while I was able to get a clear sense of the world these two are apart of, the novel in itself is very confusing. I'm not sure I will even keep it for my personal library.
July 5, 2010
Days Five, Six, and Seven
I'm getting A LOT of writing done lately. Per the post below, you can see that I finished up my third and final novel in the Banvard series. I started ALL THREE of my next novels in my paranormal romance world. That won't last for long, but when I have an idea, I need to get it out before I lose it and I happened to have an idea for three of the next manuscripts. It's not much, just a couple pages on each. It'll be a while before I blog again. I need to focus. I'm glad you could follow me through this experience and want to say thanks to all those who forgave me for my bad moods!
July 4, 2010
Another Down
July 2, 2010
Day Four
Still doing revisions on All or Nothing. Over half way through now. Getting so close! I've now added a new critic to my world and am loving her already. So many great tips coming my way for All Because of You.
I found a good article today, again for character development. See the entire article here.
1. How do you learn best? Observation? Participation? Trial and error? Rumination and cogitation? Consulting experts? Writing?
2. How open are you to new ideas and information? Do you change your mind frequently, based on what people have told you? Are you a traditionalist, deciding on the basis of what’s always been?
3. When you walk into a party, what do you notice first? The mood? The people? The decorations? The things that need to be fixed? The background music? The food on the buffet table? Whether or not you fit in?
4. Is one sense more highly developed than another? For instance, do you tend to take in the world primarily through vision? (“I’ll believe that when I see it!”) Or are you more auditory? Do you determine if a person is lying by the tone of voice? What about the sixth sense—intuition? How often do you rely on your “gut” and then have your feelings confirmed?
5. Do you usually notice problems around you? What is your response? Do you write an angry letter to the editor? Shrug and move on? Analyze what’s wrong and how to fix it? Take it as evidence that the world is falling apart? What about problems within yourself?
6. Would you say you are an optimist or a pessimist? Would your friends agree?
7. Are you more interested in the past, the future or living in the now? Are you one to keep holiday traditions? If you had to move tomorrow, how long would it take you to make new friends?
8. How do you decide if you can trust someone? By experience with this person? First impressions? Intuition? Do you test the person somehow? Or are you just generally disposed to trust or not to trust?
9. Are you a deliberate, careful speaker, or do you talk without thinking first? Do you use slang, or do you use diction your old English teacher would approve?