September 20, 2011

Who Inspires You?

My very first inspiration came from Stephenie Meyer. She made writing a novel look easy by writing her very first in three months. After that she got an agent and then a publisher and continued to herself a success with the Twilight Saga.

So when I was 21, I decided I'd try it. Four manuscripts later, I've found that this isn't the case.

Writing a novel is not easy.

I also found out that I needed continued inspiration. Ms. Meyer did not keep me going. So who inspires me now?

The very first would have to be The Piedmont Writer (a.k.a Anne Gallagher). Many of you follow her blog and probably get inspiration from her. She is down to earth and persists at everything she starts. I am in awe by her WIP list and her determination to make it in this business. Just by looking at her WIP list I get motivated and inspired to keep going. When times are tough, I turn to her blog. It's simple. It's elegant. But it's full of information and advice.

My second choice would have to be the lovely ladies in my writing group. They offer words of encouragement when I don't deserve it and tell me to keep chugging along. They even help with plotting and making me realize that "No, you're character really would not do that." You ladies are awesome.

Third, my inspiration comes from you: my followers. You keep my head on straight and help me work out my frustration with my WIPs. you let me vent, make me laugh and sometimes even cry with how great you all are.

I have so many people I am inspired by, it's a wonder why I've stopped writing this week ;)

So thank you. You inspire me!

1 comment:

  1. I only just saw this just now. Thank you so much. It's very humbling.


Leave some chocolate while you're at it.