February 28, 2011

This vs. That


From my experience, more recently including discussions in my writers group, urban fantasy is based primarily on a female protagonist with some type of supernatural powers (in an urban setting, of course), while paranormal fiction is made up of both male and female main characters. 

I've been told urban fantasy was born with the likes of Lara Croft-type heroines in mind: able to handle themselves, strong, intelligent, have attitude (all those things men seem to be afraid of :) )

Currently, I'm seeing some of the critiques feature males as the MC, but listed as urban fantasy. What do you think? What do you consider urban fantasy?

February 22, 2011

I'm Alive!

Wow! Things are finally slowing down. It feels great to just sit back and relax. I'm still on a writing hiatus for the month of February, but definately getting a lot of critiques done. And I just want to say THANK YOU to all of you who sent in your work to be critiqued. I'm learning so much by reading other manuscripts and it looks like I will have everyone's finished by the end of the month. Perfect, considering I have an 8-10 page essay due next week ;)

This last weekend, I was able to give a 35 minute presentation to my writers group, Las Vegas Romance Writers, and everything seemed to go well. I was so nervous! But apparently I did all right, because nobody asked questions afterward! Now, I know even MORE on Goal, Motivation and Conflict, but it's for the best. I really believe it changed my entire MS (my dead MS) and in a couple of weeks I'll be submitting it for a...ah....third round of submissions. Third time's the charm?

February 17, 2011

Eye Candy...Mmm...

Just a little eye candy while I get over this cold. Makes me feel better :)

February 14, 2011

Query Crit Contest

Offered by Operation Awesome, that is! If you haven't already, head on over there and comment on this post to enter the chance to win a critique on your query! Agents Natalie M. Fischer and Josh Getzler will be critiquing!

February 11, 2011

Not On Hiatus...Promise

It feels like it's been forever since I last posted! I'm still here, just been veeeeery busy. School, work, critiques, reading for school, writing for school...blah blah blah = life. I promise to keep in touch more in the next week than I have been, but inspiration for awesome blog posts is kind of on the back burner right now.

What have you been up to? Ever feel like there aren't enough hours in the day?

February 4, 2011

Are You in Love?

It's that time of year again - Valentines Day is around the corner!

I'm absolutely in love with my book right now. I actually wrote/finished it about a year ago, but something was missing for me and for two readers who BETAd for me a few months back. It wasn't keeping my attention and both readers said they couldn't connect to my characters. So I left it alone until a couple months ago. I've already posted a little about GMC, but for the first time ever, I'm in love with my book. My characters have purpose, they are multi-layered, they are REAL for me because of the revisions and the detail I gave them. I'm so excited to see what my current BETAs will think at the end of this month and I'm actually EXCITED to query.
So when it comes to our WIP, are you in love? Are you excited to sit down at your computer to bang out another 2,000 words? Do you love your characters as much as I do? Confidence is everything!

February 1, 2011

And the Winner Is...


Congrats! And thanks for following me on this amazing journey! I will contact you today to send over you prize :)