June 19, 2013

Settling Down

When I first started writing, I just wrote. I didn't care about getting published, if anyone ever read my book or what genre my book landed in. Turns out, when you do want to get published, you need to know who will read your book.

Throughout the years, and several books later (both suspense and romance), I found three similarities in every single one of my books.

One, there is a hero and a heroine.
Two, opposites attract.
Three, larger than life conflict.

Initially, I thought I could write just suspense and I tried with LET ME OUT and DIE FOR ME. But in the end, and with some words from my publisher, the books are actually romantic suspense.

With SOUR CHERRY, I actually set out to write straight romantic suspense and succeeded. I didn't struggle in the least to keep the balance between suspense and romance and finished the manuscript in record time.

The thriller I'm writing? The struggle is back and rearing its ugly head at every turn. I wanted this book to be a straight thriller for a better chance of landing my dream agent. However, the drive and the intuition aren't there.

And I know why.

I write romantic suspense. I love romantic suspense and I'm comfortable there. While my tastes will most likely change in the future or stories will make me grow out of that comfort zone, I'm trying to make my WIP into something it's not.

And now I'm going to go fix it.

Do you write in different genres? Are you comfortable doing it?

June 13, 2013

Back into the Game

My baby is a month old and it's time for me to get back into the game of running. To do that, I've set myself a new goal.

Last year I'd made the announcement I was running Ragnar. And I fully intended to do it. I trained all summer...in Vegas...during the day. Seeing as I run better in 100+ degree temps better than Spring temps, it wasn't bad. I'd averaged about 5 miles a day.

Then I got pregnant. I even continued running, still determined to run the race. But it seemed Fate had other choices. Not that I was sick. In fact, I probably had the easiest pregnancy in the world. No, turns out my entire team decided not to run the event and I didn't want to run with strangers. 

Now, though. I've set a new goal: a half marathon.

This one to be exact: Big Cottonwood Marathon and Half

I've started my training and I have until September to get back my endurance back. I'm determined to finish this goal. Luckily my training program is perfect for me; run twice a week, long runs on the weekends. While this isn't a normal schedule and I do have a bit more weight to lose and muscle to get back, I'm also taking on the P90X challenge for an overhall.

Is anyone else taking on this challenge right now? Any tips? What goals have you set for yourself this year?