April 20, 2012

Interview with Paranormal Romance Author, Sherri A. Dubb!

Welcome back to Week 4 of my interview extravaganza! For this week, I have Sherri A. Dub, author of Goddess Cottage, The Witch Ball and Threshold of Bones.
Thanks for talking with us today, Sherri!

Tell us a little about yourself.
Thank you for having me.
I’m happily married, not in the cliché sense, but seriously in the completed sense.  My husband and I are approaching our 17th year of marriage on April 21st, so I feel pretty confident that he’s the one.
I have a wonderful son in the USAF and two grandsons.  I have a penchant for spoiling them, and I don’t see that particular habit ending any time soon.
I’m a major Disneyland fanatic.  Also, I will never give up looking for my owl to Hogwarts.  Magical inspirations of the fantastical are what keep me going.
I love to travel, read and watch classic film.  Film Noir is by far a favorite, but I actually own and devour all the old Black & White horror films from the early Hollywood film days.  Seriously, I can’t get enough of those bats on strings, or the way the light hits the creature effects just right, showing the real teeth beneath the fake.  Love it!
And, I’m officially a Hawaiian resident as of April 20th.  Who can’t be happy being an Islander?
Now, of your three published books, your plotlines include some type of paranormal element. Why paranormal and what is your favorite part of writing these paranormal stories?
I believe in the supernatural, the spirit world and all things that go bump in the night.  I have enjoyed Hitchcock, King and M. Knight.  I think movies, books and even radio broadcasted plays are what keep our imaginations alive.  However, I don’t think anyone does it better than Spielberg in explaining to us, our own fears.
After seeing:  Close Encounters, E.T., Poltergeist and all the Indiana Jones films, I believe that the paranormal realm is where my heart feels most comfortable.
I love writing about something that “may” be possible, to even the most stubborn non-believer.
Your heroine in your latest release, Threshold of Bones, is an Anthropologist. Is anthropology a subject you’ve personally found an interest in and did you have to do a lot of research for this profession? How much research do you recommend for a novice writer?
I have a BA of Anthropology from UAA. 
I spent 10 weeks in the field, 4 years in college collections and 2 years in a museum setting.  I feel pretty confident in my own capabilities to express the occupation and the subject on paper, but I believe anything can be researched and written well, if one does their homework.
I am currently delving into the Victorian era to write a YA Steampunk Trilogy.  Therefore, I am taking the research quite seriously.  I’ve spent days online, purchased too many books, and antiques.  I want my writing voice to be as authentic as possible to my readers, but the details are what will pull that together.
I always recommend that anyone does their research.  Who wants to read about a cellphone say, in Victorian times?  False information is unrealistic and a definite deal breaker for any author.
Apart from Twitter and Facebook, what marketing strategies are helping you find success?
I use Goodreads.  It’s the best tool available, not being completely utilized, in my opinion.  If everyone read, rated and reviewed books in that one spot, it would be much easier to get a feel for what is out there and to find new authors. 
I also have my own website and push promotions through other author’s sites. I print postcards, do mailings and cannot wait for my first book (Goddess Cottage) to be in print, to do signings this summer.
Last question, your self-pubbed books seem to be doing well. As a self-pubbed author, are you interested in seeking representation from an agent or publisher?
My books are doing well, and I have a nice following on Twitter and Facebook.  As well, I have over 500 friends on Goodreads.
But, I’ve learned a lot on my own.
I’d like an agent, and to be represented, but I want someone who is serious and that is excited about my voice.  I don’t want to be picked up as a “flavor of the month” and dropped when the next one-hit wonder arrives on the scene. 
I had many typos in all 3 of my books.  The last one is being corrected as we speak.  It would be terrific to have representation and help in that area, but I can’t wait for that to happen.  I’m a writer, so I write and publish and tread through the slush piles.  But, to me, just waiting for a call to “make” me an Author, isn’t in the cards.  I’ve done that myself and I’m pretty proud of it.
With that said, I am currently looking for an agent/publisher that realizes my potential.  I put myself on a track to publish 3 books in one year, and beat my own time line.  I’ve created a web presence and a following. 
I’m ready!
Thank you so much for visiting with us, Sherri, and congratulations on your newest release. You are truly an inspiration for writers everywhere.


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