August 14, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

Good morning, peeps! Yes, I know, I am actually on schedule for today's post. I'm trying really hard to keep posting, but some things always get in the way.

This Sunday, I am participating in Six Sentence Sunday! This little snippet is from the book I'm currently rewriting. Revisions are going well now that I've finished the hardest part: the first three chapters. Everything is moving more smoothly and the suspense is killing me!

Enjoy the first six lines of the book and please leave comments if you feel I can improve them in any way :) Thanks!

            Monday’s escape had made headlines.
Torrhent Lynd eyed the convenience store cashier as she moved toward the bathroom, keeping her face averted in case his eyes moved from her picture on the television to her. She pushed her body inside the dark room quickly with her supplies. With only one stall, a sink and a garbage can, the bathroom offered what she needed, but took any remaining dignity she might have had left.

The voice of a female cop filtered through the thin door from the television. Dangerous...armed...FBI.

A murderer.

1 comment:

Leave some chocolate while you're at it.